Monday, November 01, 2010

Given up

I have given up reading Alone in Berlin. I’ve read half of it – that is 300 pages of attention - and that is enough for me. Yes, it was undoubtedly a “good book.” But after a difficult day, my soul requires some softness, some laughter, some warmth.I need encouragement, not bleakness and violence. I am a wuss. So bite me, blondie. (Oooh, I do like that expression.)

1 comment:

  1. Are you a wussie or do you just need a good dose of comfy book holding?

    Sometimes I need a marshmallow read. It's a guilty pleasure. Like Neighbours - actually no guilt on that one. My excuse is my brain is knackered with looking after my 3 boys (40, 5 and 2 yrs old), trying to work and have a life.

    So tonight at 9pm I skipped to bed with a really grimey crime book. I am hiding under the duvet cos' it's so good I am already scared... Only on page 99. 433 to go.
