Friday, April 15, 2011

“Authors are trying to sell their books to readers. Publishers are trying to sell their books to retailers.”

Do you remember the agent who liked my writing very much but said she couldn’t sell my book to a publisher? You know I’ve been telling you there are loads of mid-list authors with loyal readers who have been dropped by their publishers?  Well, read about this one who has been shortlisted for three prizes, won one, has several books already in print, and whose agent tried unsuccessfully for two years to get her a publisher for her fourth book. Now the author, Linda Gillard, has given up and is self-publishing an e-book. Go, Linda!


  1. Thanks Sue! The e-book is doing really well. I've sold 100s already and have acquired ten 5-star reviews on Amazon UK and Amazon US and I think this is just the beginning. It's been on sale less than 2 weeks.

    I knew there was a market for HOUSE OF SILENCE and I was right. I know my readers and I know what they like!

    Good luck with your own writing ventures. (Did we meet in the Lake District?...)

  2. Hi Linda - that's great news! I'm really pleased for you. No, we haven't met. But I would like to email you to ask you some technical questions about putting your ebook on Amazon. Mine comes out in June, along with the paperback. I would be really grateful if you could contact me at sueDOThepworthATgmailDOTcom
