Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Odd and contentious trivia

My brother emailed yesterday to say that he likes my new blog header, but why had I changed it and not written a post?

It was because I was fed up. And I was fed up well before i knew it was Blue Monday, a concept which is bunkum anyway. Quite apart from anything else, if you were going to choose the bluest day of the year in the northern hemisphere it would have to be in February.

I feel slightly more cheerful this morning in spite of the fact that I dreamed Dave had let someone in the village use my beloved saxophone without asking me (and neither of them had screwed the neckpiece on properly, either.)  Dave is without remorse. He says he is not responsible for his behaviour in my dreams. I don’t altogether agree.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:56 pm

    Hi Sue

    Glad to see from a picture on your site that you have visited our wonderful town of Grange Over Sands in Cumbria. You may not know, that like so many areas of the country, we are now blighted by the the threat of wholesale development as the planning authority does it's bit to concrete over our green margins. Residents are joining forces to fight the plans. If you are interested in adding your voice to the fray, then we would be glad to have you on board. You can contact me at richard.davies@uk2.net.

    Kindest regards

