Friday, November 16, 2012

Are your children safe?

My grandsons in Sheffield can play outside and be safe.

My granddaughters in San Francisco can play in their yard and be safe.
cece and lux oct 12
In Gaza, it is not safe for children to play outside. Israeli soldiers might shoot them or bomb them. A woman pregnant with twins was killed yesterday: it is not safe in the womb.
It is not safe anywhere.
My two year old granddaughter became frightened of planes after Fleet Week in San Francisco because of the low flying stunt planes. Imagine yourself as a two year old in Gaza. There, the planes are in the skies to kill people. There is no escape. It is impossible to flee, because Gaza is under the Israeli blockade. The Israelis are bombing civilians in an open-air prison.
Here is two year old Walid Abadleh, killed in the latest Israeli airstrikes.
2 yr old
Please read the news about what is happening in Gaza right now, and protest in whatever way you can – on the streets, or by writing letters to your MP or other elected representative. if you are American shout louder: the US has more power than anyone to keep the Israelis in check.
The other thing you could do is donate money to Medical Aid for Palestinians, a British charity with a non-violent agenda, that works on the ground in Gaza and in the rest of Palestine.

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