Monday, August 07, 2017

Afternoon drama

I'm not well at the moment and I'm doing a lot of lying in bed listening to the radio, and this afternoon I heard for the second time a radio play that was so moving it made me cry. It was on BBC Radio 4 and you can listen to it on BBC iPlayer if you're interested - wherever you are in the world (I believe.) It's called Frank and the Bear.

And on another tack, because I am bereft of things to say.... here's a photo of our crocosmia lucifer in the evening sunshine last week.


  1. Anonymous3:05 pm

    Hope you're up and about and feeling better soon Sue. Sally

  2. Thank you, Sally, that's very kind.

  3. Anonymous9:54 pm

    Hi Sue, I hope things are improving for you as the week progresses.

  4. Thank you, Jenetta, I feel well enough to go out to my sax lesson today. At least I was able to write for the last couple of days.
