Friday, November 22, 2019

Falling leaves

I've been to three funerals and a wake this year. Deaths come thick and fast when you reach the end of your 60s. This week I went to a memorial service. It was touching to hear all the tributes. 

On Wednesday - a day I had set aside for writing because Dave was out - I was so tired that my brain couldn't think about writing. I couldn't even hold up a mug of coffee. I spilled half a mug of it on our newly covered sofa (aarggh) so I decided to give up on indoor pursuits and clear the leaves from the patio instead. It was lovely out there in the autumn sunshine.

Didn't they look beautiful?

Look at the 'after' photo. Isn't it drab?

After lunch, I gave up on all upright activity and went to bed with Nora Ephron, who I haven't read for some time. At the end of her book I feel bad about my neck - now there's a woman with an eye for a great title - she has a piece called Considering the alternative. Perhaps you can guess what it's about. There is so much unadorned truth in that piece that I want to quote whole pages to you. It's hard just to pick a sentence or two, so I won't. 

OK. I've considered several pages from her piece but this is the bit I'm going to paste on here:

Believe it or not, I'm not feeling glum today. I just wanted to share with you a bit of my week.

At the end of the lane there was a huge field of corn. Dave hates this crop because sometimes it is eight feet high and obscures the view. This year wasn't sunny and it only reached five foot. From certain angles, I found it picturesque. Don't you?

They harvested it this week and the field looks sad, but Dave has got his view back.

by the way...
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  1. Have you read the post on writing in Whiskey River yet.....I think you could relate to a few of those thoughts.

  2. Oh, thank you, Kristine. I haven’t read WR for a couple of weeks. I relate to so much of the piece on writing!
