Do you know what it’s like when you’ve been busy for a fortnight and you sit down to write your blog and nothing witty, pithy, interesting or clever pops into your head? That’s how i feel this morning. I have bloggers’ block.
Maybe I’ve been enjoying myself too much. As someone cleverer than me said – “happiness writes white.”
I’ve enjoyed -
the summer weather and spending as much time as possible outside, licking the garden into shape after its months of neglect
messing around with Tate and Gil
going to see BEFORE MIDNIGHT – the latest film in what is now being called the BEFORE series. It’s well described by the reviewing site, Rotten Tomatoes, thus:
Building on the first two instalments in Richard Linklater's well-crafted Before trilogy, Before Midnight offers intelligent, powerfully acted perspectives on love, marriage, and long-term commitment.
I went with a friend who found it “wearing.” I came out of the cinema in awe at the writing, the acting and the direction. It’s the most impressive film I’ve seen since forever. Plus, I love the concept of the films, Julie Delpy is mesmerising, and even Ethan Hawke is growing on me. And I am going again with a friend who I know will love it as much as I do.
No, it’s not a German film. I just liked this movie poster the best.
It’s just occurred to me that the main reason i like this film is because it is a realistic and intelligent (and underneath it all) optimistic examination of a long term relationship. It’s something I tried to do myself in BUT I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR THAT I LOVED YOU.
Well, I think you succeeded because I loved that book and hope you'll revive the characters for another outing.
Chris A
Thanks, Chris. I can't say I definitely won't, but I have no such plans at present. They are dear to my heart, though.
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