Before I start the review, I have to tell you that I realised last night while watching Alan Rickman in Snowcake that I absolutely have to get him to play Sol in BUT I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR THAT I LOVED YOU when it’s televised. He is perfect for the part.
Now down to business. I’ve just been scanning my blog for the past year to remind myself what happened, what I thought about it and how I felt. And here’s what I gathered….
1/ KEY TURNING POINT - Going on the screenwriting course
It was exhausting in all kinds of ways, chiefly because when you live as quiet a life as I do, living and working with 18 other people at close quarters 24/7 is a shock to the nervous system. It’s so intense. One morning I was so tired I went back to bed after breakfast and watched On Golden Pond on my laptop. But I came home encouraged and inspired to complete my screenplay. Now I am so in love with the medium I am working on another. This is a big thing for a writer who has given up hope of getting someone else to publish her books in this current ghastly publishing climate.
2/ KEY SADNESS - The brutal Israeli bombardment of Gaza
It was horrific, day after day, in July and August. And today in Gaza the situation is terrible. Although many countries promised aid to the people of Gaza for a rebuilding programme, many have not made good on their promises.
Tens of thousands of people in Gaza are homeless this winter. Some of them are newly orphaned children. Some are bereaved families. Some have lost limbs or sustained other serious injuries in the attacks. With whole neighbourhoods destroyed and nowhere else to go, many in Gaza are returning to what is left of their homes, mostly ruins, where there is no electricity or running water. If you would like to help, you can donate to Medical Aid for Palestinians, here.
3/ KEY PRIDE – My grandson’s sponsored swim
My elder grandson (10) swam half a mile to raise money for the Asperger Childrens’ Club he attends - ACCT. He raised £665.30. . . And many of you sponsored him. THANK YOU!
4/ FAVOURITE PHOTO – Liz’s summer picture of the gate down the lane
I loved Sunshine on Leith, but Pride was the most inspiring film I saw this year. Here’s what I wrote about it.
The screenplay for Billy Elliot. Yes. Really. That’s how hooked I am on screenwriting. And this screenplay is brilliant.
7/ MOST HEART-WARMING MOMENT - Lux’s love letter
My granddaughter Lux(4) wrote me a love letter (dictated to her mother, Wendy.)
Dear Sue
I hope you have a good day and I love you.
And I want to take care of you.
I want you to have a star of good luck and many good things.
You are my Sue and I love you,
I wish you all a contented, committed and creative New Year.
Or if that’s not what you want – I wish you whatever you choose.