I’ve got my sinus problem back, and I’m sick to death of the dark grey wet Derbyshire winter, so I’m trying to be cheerful, and to think of all the things I’m thankful for. So here are the first blessings that come to mind…
my warm bed
my morning shower
the log burning stove
Dave’s oatcakes
the lemon curd I made yesterday
my grandchildren
my children
the fact that the two married ones have lovely partners
my techie guy Adrian for diagnosing a knackered fan on my laptop and fixing a new one, which means, I hope, that I don’t have to buy a replacement yet. (The decisions required are as bad as the money.)
the fact we don’t live on a flood plain
the chest of drawers my mother left me. It’s right beside me now as I write, and is a huge comfort, reminding me as it does of her.
It even has a strip from an old pair of tights still tied round one of the handles. She used to cut up old tights and use them for tying up parcels and raspberry canes and anything else you can think of. If you cut them into loops, they are great for bundling up small packets. My mother was so well known in the family for her tights fetish, that at her funeral someone said we should have let her coffin down into the grave with ropes woven from old tights. Ma would have loved the joke.
my parents and sibs
You can see why ‘Pollyanna’ could be a term of derision – it’s so easy to get mushy when you count up your blessings.