Thursday, May 27, 2010

The view from my pillow

Sometimes we think about moving from here, and decide it’s a bad idea. Apart from everything else, I couldn’t bear to leave our bedroom behind. It’s so fabulously light and sunny, and has views of nothing but trees and fields. The east window catches the early morning sun -May 2010 242

and the south window catches the sun as it moves round -

May 2010 240

May 2010 244

I can’t imagine a nicer place to die. I was telling a friend how I could never leave my bedroom behind, that this is the place I want to die, and she said we could sell up and stick a covenant on the house so that when I am old and near the end, I can come back here to die.

What about you? Where would you like to die?


Sabby said...

Hi Sue,

Somewhere I call home would be a nice place to die as I'm homeless at the moment, surrounded by happy memories and people who care.

Shafia x

Sue Hepworth said...

Hi Shafia
I am so sorry to hear you are homeless. Is it as bad as it sounds? I hope you find a home soon.x