You turn your back for one minute (sloping off to the seaside for a couple of days) and when you get back the convolvulus has taken over your back garden. But then so many wonderful things have happened, too. The roses are blooming as if their life depended on it, the fragrance of the honeysuckle and orange blossom makes me swoon, and the climbing rose is out
and finally, that funny yellow buddleia - that I’ve had for four years and was just about to pull up because it refused to produce anything but leaves – has produced odd little flower balls.
And then there are the strawberries…
I’ve just been out in the quiet morning garden, to pick this morning’s crop.
It was balmy. It was heaven. Such a morning as this makes up for the four months of grey cold winter we get here every year. The birds have been at the strawberries. They think I don’t know. I used to have a net on the strawberry patch, but one day I found a dead blackbird caught in it, so I threw the net away. There are plenty of strawberries - enough for us to share. Which is a good job, because as well as the birds and the slugs, there are other creatures who like my fruit…
If I die today, I won’t mind. I have had a fabulous week, away with Jen, and back here at home in my summer garden.
I am so jealous!!
Looking at the photographs makes me wish I didn't live in London x
I do feel very fortunate, Shafia. Just think - we used to live in Sheffield, and I only moved to the country because Dave wanted to. Now I can't imagine living anywhere but the countryside. But then it *is* midsummer at the moment. I often dream of city life in February.
It's raining here! But then I am in Sheffield ... although I feel I am lucky to live here in Worrall, where the countryside is literally on my doorstep. (And don't forget that Sheffield is often referred to as the greenest city in England!)
Hi Mariliyn, don't get me wrong. I like Sheffield a lot, and I liked where we lived. But when I go back there now, I wonder how I used to put up with being hemmed in by all those other houses.
(p.s. I like The Showroom, too.)
Hi Sue,
I was wondering, do you think you'll come to London and do a book signing?
Also thought I'd update you with my patchworking, I've just ordered a bundle of "fat corners". I've no idea what they are but from the photograph they looked like biggish squares of fabric which I thought would be a good start - can you clarify any more on them?
If you die today, *I* would mind!
Lovely photos xxx.
Hi Shafia - I was wondering about your patchwork progress.As far as I know, fat corners are probably the same as fat quarters, which means a small bit of fabric, where a quarter of a metre is a relevant dimension...not very helpful, am I????? I have seen fat quarters rolled up in baskets in patchwork shops (when I go in to buy the quilt lining) but I don't buy them. I am a bit of a purist about patchwork and try to use old, secondhand material from home, or from jumble sales. But if you are starting from scratch, with nothing you want to cut up, then fat quarters/corners are a good way to go.
As for the London book signing, who knows what will happen in the future? I may have some news for my readers, soon, about my next book. It would be so nice to meet you, and all my other regular blog readers.
Lol! They ARE called fat quarters and not fat corners! After talking about starting for 6 months I may actually do it.
It would be brilliant if you could do a book signing in London, I'd love to meet in person. I wanted to come to Buxton(?) last month but I had my driving test on the 11th and lessons on two consecutive days beforehand.
Also thank you for adding books you enjoy reading, the last time you did, I went and bought a couple and thoroughly enjoyed them.
Yes, I see your point about being hemmed in. I felt like that when I returned to Sheffield from South Africa and then from Australia. There's so much space in SA and Oz, I felt claustrophobic here. (I don't like all their 'creatures' though!) And sometimes, it was far too hot. There's nothing quite like the English countryside and I am fortunate to have it so close.
PS your son's comment plucked at my heartstrings
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