Friday, October 15, 2010

October sunshine and shadows

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It’s been my birthday this week, and very nice it was, too, to have it in such a joyful week. Isn’t it a rare and wonderful thing when the whole of the world is rejoicing about something, as it has been about the rescue of the Chilean miners?

As well as lots of other treats, my week included:


made by the young, talented and entrepreneurial Rose Denyer, who makes and sells cakes in the Derbyshire Dales. (The Pink Cake Box. 07585 369258).

It also included ice creams with my grandsons:

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And a saxophone stand from Dave, complete with fake sax made out of wood and tinfoil, so I could see how the sax is meant to sit on the stand (if you see what I mean. Though the real sax does not need clothes pegs.)

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This was absolutely necessary, as I would have tried to put the sax on the other way. I am utterly dumb with anything practical. (I got the bulkhead seat flying home from California and couldn’t work out how to get out my tray for my food, nor how to pull up the little TV screen. And then I couldn’t work out how to fold the tray away, and had to ask the steward.)

But today I’ve been melancholy, missing Ma. It could be the time of year. It could be because she wasn’t here to send me one of her birthday cards in which she stuck a yellow post-it with her message, so I could peel out the post-it and use the card again. Or it could be because I have particular things I want to tell her about my children – things I am proud of - and which I know she would take delight in. I also want to tell her how well I am doing with my saxophone, even though she’d probably wish it was a flute. But I can’t tell her any of these things, so I’ve been pestering my sister Jen with phone calls and telling her instead. She’s very forbearing. She misses Ma as well.

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