Friday, October 07, 2011


I am still blurry from jet-lag: it’s the worst I’ve ever had. Since Tuesday, when the execrable US Airways changed my flight and sent me home via Frankfurt (where I had to go through security twice, because I needed to exit the secure zone to get more info about the new flight, which meant two security pat-downs on account of my artificial knee bleeping, and then worrying about my bag disappearing at the end of the conveyor belt and my saying to the security guard “I’m worried about my bag,” and his saying in a threatening German voice “It is our bag, now”)  my days have been ragged.

But I got a lovely email from someone in Pennsylvania who told me how much she had enjoyed my book. I can’t tell you how encouraging it is to get emails from readers – and especially with this book, which I had to publish myself.

Lastly (or “last of all” as they say in California) if you live outside the UK, I want to tell you that you can buy my book – BUT I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR THAT I LOVED YOU – and get it POST FREE – from The Book Depository. Though if you want details and reader reviews and if you want to buy it for a KIndle, you’ll have to visit or  I have just checked – there are only reviews on the British Amazon at the moment.

And if you want to be really, really helpful to a poor self-published author, you can write a short review on or on  It doesn’t matter where you bought the book. I read recently that book reviews on Amazon sell books. Oh, yes. I may be still blurry, but I haven’t stopped thinking about how to sell my book.

Actually, this is last of all: a snap of my friend Karen (aka the ageing hippie) going down the Bright Angel Trail into my new obsession, the Grand Canyon.

sept 2011 136


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