Saturday, June 09, 2012


It is a year ago today that BUT I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR THAT I LOVED YOU  was published by Delicately Nuanced (i.e. me!) and I am feeling very proud that I managed to do it all myself… from writing the thing in the first place, to buying the ISBN, registering the book on Nielsen (the official book data-base), to organising the cover, the printing of the paperback, the uploading of the ebook, the PR and marketing, the launch, the book signings, the liaising with warehouses and wholesalers and shops and the paying of bills (still coming once a month from the printer’s warehouse to pay for storage of books and delivery to wholesalers.)

I had a lot of generous help from friends and family – so thank you to all of them:

I’d like to thank:

Dave Hepworth as co-publisher and as best friend, for mammoth amounts of every kind of support, moral and practical, and for being so generous with his copy;

Chrissie Poulson, for commenting on every draft, for proof reading and copy-editing and for all kinds of other help and encouragement;

Jen Cave-Penney for proof-reading, copy-editing and bullshit-detecting, and for her comments and suggestions;

Ruth Carter, Karen Fine, Chris Holbrook, Jane Linfoot, Maria Longwright, Mary Scurfield, and Christie Taylor for reading and commenting on earlier drafts;

Judith Murray for her encouraging comments;

Ella Wilson for the original idea for the cover;

Zoë Hepworth for designing and making the beautiful card for the cover;

Isaac Hepworth for the fabulous cover design and layout;

Finally, loving thanks to all of my family for being so supportive in so many ways;

and to Dave, again. I could not have written or published the book without him.

June 2011 launch day 013

The upshot is that in this country, I have sold three times as many copies as the publisher sold of Zuzu’s Petals - my second book.

And at present, Jane Linfoot and I are a third of the way through the first draft of Plotting for Grown-ups and I love it, I love it, I love it.

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