My life is a quiet life, and sometimes when it comes round to bin day (like today) I think Oh, another week has flown past, and I wonder what I have to show for it. These are a few of the things I’ve done in the last week – so it’s not so bad -
- finished writing the first draft of Chapter 3 of Plotting for Grown-ups. (There will be nine long chapters.)
- read and critiqued Chrissie Poulson’s new novel – first draft – and had a meeting with her about it
- felt miffed that of 32 dwarf climbing bean seeds I planted, only four have came up, and one of these was eaten by slugs
- refused the kind offer of some replacement runner beans (which I don’t much like) from someone at Quaker Meeting – who said that everyone has too many beans this year because of the weather!
- finished reading Penelope Lively’s latest book – How It All Began, which I loved. Enjoyable and thought-provoking.
- been really chuffed that the Christmas tree in a pot which I bought for my OFF Christmas last year has begun to sprout, which means I won’t have to get another one this year. (The garden centre man said it would take till June to know if it was alive or dead – AND – he would give me my money back if the latter.)
- got my patchwork project out of the drawer because it was so wet outside. I am still unsure about the arrangement, and also whether or not it is too loud and too busy to go on our bed, so Zoe is coming to advise me tomorrow
- made good progress with learning to improvise variations on my sax to Lady be Good, Honeysuckle Rose and Tea for Two (the latter of which the book describes as a hoary old standard, with which I agree, but my teacher likes it for some odd reason)
- been for three rides up the Monsal Trail on my bike
- visited some inspiring craft and art exhibitions in Open Arts Derbyshire
- successfully cooked shoulder of lamb for the first time for a group of friends (There are so many vegetarians in my family I rarely see meat.)
- assisted at Gil’s birthday tea
- finished making a tiny cardigan for Isaac and Wendy’s new baby – who has decided while I have been writing this post, that today is his/her birthday - whoopee! - sister or brother to Lux:
And how am I possibly going to concentrate on making the alterations to Chapter 3 – suggested by Jane – while I am following Isaac’s tweets about the baby?????
um, hi @ CPMC-St Luke's Hospital Campus
current status
And you call that a quiet life? It puts my laziness last week to shame, Sue!
Margaret P
It actually surprised me when I had it all written down!
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