Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Dave has been working really hard on typesetting PLOTTING FOR GROWN-UPS. He keeps passing it over to me to check for errors and glitches, and then I pass it back and he does some more. I am going to scrutinise it one last time, when I have finished this post.

It is a nit-picking, time (and patience) consuming job. That’s fine. I’m not complaining. I was just thinking, though, how different it is from computer programs, where every week the designers send out updates. Wouldn’t it be great if after the book is published, I could send out an update when someone spots there is an indent in the wrong place or a missing bracket, or italics where none are necessary?

Some day soon I will show you the cover for PLOTTING FOR GROWN-UPS (which I love to bits) but not just yet.


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