Finally, a late start. It’s 8.50 a.m.and I don’t have to get out of bed to rush anywhere or do anything, or even email till my laptop keyboard is red hot.
You know how it’s been this year…family illness, problems formatting the ebooks of Plotting for Beginners and Plotting for Grown-ups, fighting internet pirates selling copies of the former, kicking aside all the obstacles thrown in the path of publication, marketing Plotting for Grown-ups – I won’t go on.
Dave and I are now going to rebuild our lives (ooh, that overworked cliche always makes me laugh) re-assume our former personalities, and slow down.
Yesterday was a start: I rode my bike up the Trail in the sunshine and then sat in the garden reading Cut to the Chase – a book about how to write screenplays. Then we played table tennis in the back garden, watched a couple of M*A*S*H episodes and played Scrabble. Oh yes. At Hepworth Towers, we live on the edge.
The new header is the bridge at Bakewell.
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