Thursday, August 13, 2015

How to buy my books

It’s an inconvenient truth that the wholesaler has stopped stocking my books because it’s several years after publication and the sales have dwindled to a steady trickle. (Of course it’ll be different when BUT I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR THAT I LOVED YOU is televised, but that is in the future, and the wholesaler needs room on the shelves now for all the new books published this autumn.)

The upshot of this is that new copies are not available on Amazon but you can order them from an independent bookshop. Ebooks are available on Amazon, but you may not want an ebook.

28 Feb front cover

So, what to do if you don’t have a neighbourhood bookshop?

You can buy them from me, that’s what!

Contact me at infoATdelicatelynuancedDOTcom and tell me what you want and where you live and I will post them to you in return for a cheque. PLOTTING FOR GROWN-UPS and BUT I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR THAT I LOVED YOU each cost £7.99 and the postage within the UK is free. If you’d like me to sign them and/or write an inscription, I’d be delighted.

I am holding my breath.

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