I want to explain why I’m quiet this week.
I have some health issues that need sorting out, and are being sorted out. I’ll be fine. I’m not worried, just a bit cheesed off. I’m getting the best that the NHS has to offer at Sheffield Hospitals, and I am very grateful. I am so so lucky to be within reach of Sheffield’s NHS. Not only is the treatment first rate, the staff are proficient and professional, and utter sweeties. I spent the morning on and off with one nurse yesterday and when I left at lunchtime I was sorry to say goodbye. She said “It’s been really nice meeting you,” so maybe she felt the same. Or maybe she was just being charming. It doesn’t much matter. It made me feel good.
At the same time I’ve been scoffing another Anne Tyler novel and I’m in search of enlightenment. Have any of you read Earthly Possessions? I enjoyed it, but I don’t know what it means.
If you don’t hear from me for several days, please be patient. I’ll be back.
Thinking of you (hug)
Thank you Ana.
I am doing fine, but I am just a bit cheesed off because it has been such lovely weather and is again today and I am not allowed to ride my bike or do any energetic gardening and It is perfect gardening weather. So still and so sunny.
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