Friday, July 20, 2018


It's been a bad week, which is why I haven't posted. I've felt too vulnerable to spill it all out here.

But the sweet peas are going strong. Here's a bunch in a vase Zoe made and gave to me. I love this photo. I hope you do too.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful sweet peas - hang on in there - hope next week is better - sending virtual hugs, Jenetta

Helen said...

I love sweet peas, and that's a beautiful vase, too. Things will get better - everything passes eventually; hope it's soon.

Sue Hepworth said...

Thank you, Helen. Thank you, Jenetta. xx

Phoebe said...

Statements like these make me worry...I hope it's not a health thing.

Sue Hepworth said...

It's not a physical health thing, no. If I rest and retreat, it will pass. Thank you for your concern, Phoebe.

ana said...

Such a splendid photo. May your passion for life and your delight in nature be the healing you need. I

Sue Hepworth said...

Thank you, Ana. R and R is working well.

Sue Hepworth said...

Answer to Sally who tweeted a question...
I’m much better thank you.
And sweet peas are easy to grow but not always easy to do it successfully! I have reverted to growing my own from seed as the last few years I have bought plants from garden centres and they’ve been very disappointing. They like sunshine but they also need to be watered every night. A summer without sweet peas is a sad summer.