Saturday, April 25, 2020

Letter from home

How are you coping with lockdown? I hope you're all well, in body, mind and spirit.

It's not been easy here. A good friend, a young person who lives alone, was diagnosed with the virus last Saturday and her condition worsened during the week, until she was too weak to look after herself and had to go to hospital for emergency treatment. It's been a worrying time. She is back home again now, and we hope and pray she has turned a corner.

The intermittent waves of sadness, anxiety, anger at our shambles of a government, and contentment with life at Hepworth Towers continue for me. 

Yesterday I decided that the best way to stay on an even keel is NOT to linger in bed in the morning reading the news, but to get up straight away and do something practical, such as cooking, or watering plants. Then after breakfast - which I am trying to remember to eat in a different place in the house everyday to kill the samey-sameyness of lockdown - I go out on my bike. That is assuming I have had a good night's sleep.

Yesterday I took a flask of coffee with me and at the end of the Trail I climbed down 

to the river, and sat in the sunshine watching and listening. It was heavenly.

That set me up for the rest of the day.

Here's the view over our garden wall last evening when I went out to put the sweet pea seedlings to bed.

Today I woke up to find that Amazon now has the paperback and the ebook of DAYS ARE WHERE WE LIVE available 

here in the UK

and here in the USA.


p.s. A note on pricing...
Because the paperback has 500 pages, Amazon would not let me charge less than £9.53. If I wanted a royalty, I'd have to charge more. So I have charged £10.50 which means you get free postage and I receive 58 pence for every copy sold. So as Dave would say - I shan't be ordering my white Rolls Royce just yet.

Happy reading, friends, and I'd love it if you'd review the book when you've finished it.

Here are two reviews I've shown you before:


marmee said...

Hi! Here we are moving from level 5 lockdown to level 4 which will at least allow for leaving the house for exercise but we haven't yet heard exactly what will be allowed. Our beaches were closed so in my case I can sit and look at a beautiful deserted beach but not go for a swim or a walk. More people will now be able to go back to work which is so needed as we don't have very much of a social safety net. The government and ngo's and just people are working at delivering food parcels, social grants have been increased but still many people are going hungry. Many of us had hoped for a universal income grant but that has not materialised. Very glad your young friend is home again and hopefully well on her way to recovery.

Sue Hepworth said...

Hi Marmee, your National situation sounds harder for most people than even ours is. I hope you can get outside for a walk soon. But you have a view of the beach! How wonderful!
It’s ,overly to hear from you. X

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry to hear about your friend and glad to hear she is home. I hope and pray she makes a full recovery. Jenetta

Sue Hepworth said...

Thank you, Jenetta.