The big news is that my washing line painting was accepted into the Derbyshire Open Exhibition. Yippee!
Thank you for all your support, friends. If you’re in Buxton over the summer you can see it at the Buxton Museum and Art Gallery along with some really stunning works. The exhibiion opens in a couple of weeks.
I started painting just before Covid arrived here, in February 2020, and this is the first time I’ve submitted a painting to anything, and I'm really chuffed. I know I’m a bit ancient to be saying this, but I wish my parents were here to tell.
This is the painting chosen - which I know you’ve seen before - framed by Dave. It’s called ‘March wind.’ Every piece of art submitted had to have a Derbyshire connection, so I just said it was the washing in our Derbyshire garden, which is true.
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What else has been happening? I finished my hedgerow painting but I’m finding it hard to get a photo which accurately portrays the colours. When I manage it, I’ll show you. It’s called ‘Feast’ because that’s what Het said when I showed her it.
Dave got his scooter out of the shed for a trip down to Bakewell this week.
I planted out the first 40 of my cosmos seedlings.
The cow parsley along our lane went to seed and the grasses took over most beautifully. I can feel another grasses painting coming on.
Snoopy came to stay for a few days:
And Cece had her tenth birthday 5,000 miles away, but I got to Facetime her when she woke up. What a blessing the internet is.
Sue Congratulations on your painting being accepted. You have a wonderful talent. And please can I have a scooter like Dave's - I'm jealous.
Thank you, Lina!
The scooter is fun, and he gets lots of comments when he goes down the Trail on it. He had to get it imported from Canada, but perhaps you can buy them over here now.
What happy news!!
Congratulations again (and you're never too old to want to tell your parents)!
Thank you, Marmee and Christine.
What a wonderful picture of Cece - and congratulations on having your painting accepted. Pondering about the scooter - does it jar your knees and hips more than cycling (or is it electric?)
With love from a hot midlands (summer has come but only for a day - rain tomorrow)
Hi Jenetta, no, the scooter is not electric. It has more impact than cycling because the latter is a no impact activity, but Dave says it also depends on how you use the scooter. You can ride it sedately, or you can ‘go at it like a mad thing.’ Dave has got plantar fasciitis from using it previously, which is why it has been sitting in the shed.
Yes, that’s a lovely picture of Cece. She is really growing up. xxx
Happy days - especially getting the recognition for your painting - sweet!
And the photos of Dave are good to see.
Cece too - she’s beautiful, and growing up fast.
Wonderful to hear all the good news!
Thea xx
I am pleased to hear about your 'washing Line' success! I really like the image.
Good morning Sue, Congratulations on your painting success! The exhibition sounds well worth a visit, I'll add it to my places to visit this summer list.
I too love the grasses at this time of year, and the foxgloves 😍!
Sally x
Dear ‘Rowantree’ ( sorry, I can’t remember your real name) and Sally - thank you very much for your good wishes.
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