Having said I am not going to blog till midweek, I have changed my mind.
I am sitting in bed with half an hour to spare and before checking the headlines and feeling as fed up as usual by them, but this morning able to keep the consequent emotional turmoil at arms length, I turned to Wordle and Quordle.
But then I decided to check out the few blogs I have in my ‘favourites,’ and it reminded me how nice it is to peek into the lives of others, to learn something about their everydays, their joys and hardships, to look at the world through their eyes.
This made me think…maybe that’s what I give by writing my blog, even when I have nothing startling or surprising to share. So here I am.
Every spring I grow my sweet peas inside loo roll tubes, inside yoghurt cartons, on the windowsill. I used the wrong compost last year and only a fraction came up. This year they are stupendously vigorous, and with some roots emerging from the bottom of the cartons, they’re begging to be planted in the garden now, when usually they wait till I get home from Colorado. So I have been trying to harden them off AND plant them out before I go away. First they were in the shed, and now they’re in the cold frame. It’s a risky race against time and temperatures.
Having done all my jobs except that last one, plus one more admin job, I’ve turned to packing.
Packing for a trip to Boulder includes chocolate hobnobs for Wendy, a cat clock that Dave has made for Cece, (which I will show you when she has seen it), prints of two of my paintings (requested), power of attorney forms (for me) for Isaac to complete, and clothes for every possible temperature. Packing clothes for Boulder means boots and warm jumpers, cool T shirts and sandals, as for a few days it will be chilly like here, and for a week at least it will be warm. Oh yes. Warm sunshine.
Of course amongst all the busyness I’ve had to wedge in a visit to see my youngest granddaughter, Ms X, offspring of the-family-member-who-declines-to-be-named and the lovely Jaine. She is such a joy. She is so contented and cute, and how I wish I could show you pictures of her, though of course I respect the wishes of her parents. It’s a strange thing that when I spend time with her, all my concerns and undone tasks float away. I only have eyes and thoughts for her. What a luxury it is to have grandchildren.
That’s it. A glimpse of my very ordinary life. Except that last night I had a rare dream about my best friend Mary, who died 8 years ago. I opened the front door and she was standing just outside, wearing black leggings and a dark purple T shirt and a huge smile. I burst into tears and gave her the biggest hug I’ve ever given anyone. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to see her.
This is a photo in our album that I have not looked at in years.
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Mary at school sports day, 1994 |
Hello Sue. I always appreciate your posts, I now only read two blogs and it is as you suspect, a pleasant deviation from stuff out there. I adore my granddaughter and love to read about the love you feel for your grandchildren- it is connecting in a world of disconnect. I posted a comment a while ago which appeared, inadvertently, as anonymous- I just wanted to repeat my thanks for your book of your blog which is my bedside comfort read in especially tricky times. I holiday in Wensleydale and love to read of your farming roots. Enjoy your trip, I look forward to hearing about it.
Thank you so much for this lovely comment, Elisabeth. I’m glad my blog book cheers you up. It’s done it’s job! 😊
So great to hear the bag is packed and the plans in place. Thank you for taking time to blog for us !, very much appreciated. Your story of dreaming of your precious friend Mary is very affecting indeed. That is such a vibrant photo.
I always enjoy reading of your horticultural adventures, best of all being the sweet peas, my absolute favourite. There was a rime in my life when I grew them and perhaps your own stories will give me the momentum to try again
All the very best as you complete your travel preps and of course especially for your health
Love from Ana xx
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