Friday, March 08, 2024

Taking a break

 I have been ill since Monday night, and I’m still ill, and so I don’t fret about the blog, I’m going to take a break for a week.

Here is a comforting poem I found recently.

And a photo I took in Cornwall



Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon Sue. Be kind to yourself. Sally xx

marmee said...

thanks sue! Needed that poem this evening

Sue Hepworth said...

Thank you, Sally. xx

Marmee, when I found the poem I thought of you because of your love of cooking. xx

rowantree said...

I hope that you're over your illness now xx

Sue Hepworth said...

Hello, thank you for your good wishes.
I am better from my symptoms,finally, after two weeks, but I am still trying to regain my energy and strength.
I'm planning to blog this week.