Friday, October 18, 2024

Coming home

I had a lovely time away in Colorado with the family, and in California with the aging hippie, but I always love coming home.

I left a day of hot bright sunshine at Denver airport and arrived home to a soggy teatime at Hepworth Towers where the autumn colours are just as lovely as in Boulder.

It was so good to see Dave at arrivals, and when I got out of the car at home after 19 hours of travel, the quiet, familiarity, and the freshness of the atmosphere were sublime. 

Two days later I’m excited about getting back to painting. I’ve ordered a daylight lamp so I can paint past three o’ clock on winter days, and I’ve got an idea for my first painting. 

Photo by Isaac

Today I need to order a stack of books for MsX’s second birthday. She can recite The Gruffalo already. She’s not just bright but she’s a madcap, whether it’s diving head first into muddy water in the garden, or painting her head bright yellow. I see her as an avant garde sculptor winning the Turner prize at 20. I can’t wait to see her tomorrow.

How lucky am I to have a lovely home and family, how blessed am I to live somewhere beautiful and safe and to have enough of everything. 


Sue Hepworth said...

Yes it’s beautiful! I doubt I will make my painting match its loveliness but it will be fun trying.

Anonymous said...

Great that you’re home again. Can so imagine your relief on arriving after that 19 hours! Am educating myself to check your feed in a new way. So pleased to have discovered this post!! Loving your reflections on the littlest granddaughter! Sounds like a splendid force of nature xo Ana

Sue Hepworth said...

Good to hear from you, Ana. I’m glad you’ve found another way now that I have given up Twitter. Yes, my youngest granddaughter is a character and she’s wonderful company.