Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Home again

You’d think it was spring in Cheshire, where we went on the narrowboat -

Nov 10 Barge holiday Middlewich 004

We had five fine days, sometimes with sun, and we had lots of fun.

Here are some pictures to give you a flavour.

Nov 10 Barge holiday Middlewich 026

 Nov 10 Barge holiday Middlewich 035

Nov 10 Barge holiday Middlewich 069

Nov 10 Barge holiday Middlewich 136

Nov 10 Barge holiday Middlewich 118

Nov 10 Barge holiday Middlewich 124

Nov 10 Barge holiday Middlewich 149


Frenchie_in_London said...

Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing, I like to one of the leaking brain very much - it was funny.
Best Merry Christmas.

Sue Hepworth said...

Best Merry Christmas to you, too, Coline! Keep reading, as there will be a Christmas competition appearing soon.

Sue Hepworth said...

I have now taken off the leaking brain picture as the man with the icicle changed his mind about exposure on my blog.