If you're lucky enough to be staying in San Francisco, and your luck is so extravagantly awesome that you also have a warm, understanding, zany and hilarious daughter-in-law, who can turn any evening into a party, then get yourself down to the Velvet Cantina on 23rd and Bartlett. Start the evening with their perfect margaritas (I had one for you, too, Chrissie) and something to eat with the second margarita (Do you expect me to give you details of the scrummy food? I can't remember what I had to eat! Come on, I'm upright and my head is clear - isn't that enough for you?)
Velvet Cantina's address noted for my next trip to SF.........perfect margaritas are a joyous thing, always to be remembered above the food!
Hi Jean, I got the address wrong the first time. Now it is right. 23rd and Bartlett. an you actually ask for a "Perfect Margarita." That's what Wendy did and I thought she was being cheesey until she explained. They have two grades of margarita!
Oh certainly two grades, some places use a ready made 'mix' ........not anywhere near perfect....At our local Mexican Cantina in Las Vegas 'Chapalas' I go to the bar and watch Jaime make it and then he asks me if I want a small or a large ..........no choice there!
mmmmm not sure what you will make of Vegas in the daylight ........she looks better in the dark! The Grand Canyon is breathtaking at any time, good choice, hope you see the Hoover Dam on the way.
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