I’ve been chucking out more stuff, and it’s exhilarating.
This week I hoiked out an old wallet file from the filing cabinet entitled “Corin and Friends,” which was my working title for Zuzu’s Petals. (Do you know what? I think Zuzu’s Petals was a rotten title.* Poor beleaguered novel – revolting pink frilly cover and a bad title. A good novel, badly packaged. Oh well.) Here is Zuzu and her petals in It’s a Wonderful Life -
Anyway… i leafed through the newspaper cuttings which I saved to use for material. Here are some of them:
Glass of Swoosh, please – matching water to food is now de rigeur (remember the awful Charles and his thing about types of bottled water?)
An interview with David Hockney (Corin so liked David Hockney)
Playing the moody hues – on tweaking colour for emotional impact (Corin was perfecting her digital photography)
Life goals for your 50s
Office English (actually I ended up using this in But I told you last year that I loved you – remember Chrissie’s husband Roger?)
Parkie Life (about the new breed of park-keeper. Includes references to guerilla gardeners – remember Tim?)
Life begins at 14 – an entire supplement on how to raise a healthy happy teenager (why on earth did I save that?)
Woolly Romans (Discovery that the Romans wore thick woolly socks with their sandals. That was for another book that never got finished. It was called The man who wore socks with his sandals. Great title!)
Then there was -
Eat less and live to 130 – calorie restriction prolongs the life of rats but can it do the same for us? (Remember Rob and his aversion to eating?)
A fashion item on sleek cycling clothes for men. (Oh Rob – you and your Lycra.)
So now it’s all in the recycling bin, and the Bodleian will have to make do without it.
*I got the idea for the title of Zuzu’s Petals one day when I was wandering around Haight-Ashbury (doesn’t that sound cool?) I saw a flower shop called Zuzu’s Petals – and thought “That’s it! That’s it!” Unfortunately i don’t think it was.
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