Monday, April 29, 2013

The trouble with blogging

Sally Howe, heroine of PLOTTING FOR BEGINNERS and of the soon to be published PLOTTING FOR GROWN-UPS, has a blog. She finds it a burden: she doesn’t know what to write on it, and yet she feels she needs to keep going because all authors need a presence on the net.

Unlike Sally, I like my blog. I like showing you my photos, like these from last week -






but sometimes I can’t write my blog because I can’t share what’s in my heart. There are some things that aren’t up for sharing.

After my mother died you, dear readers, could see the course of my grief. It ran beneath the surface of my days, but every now and then it would emerge on the blog (like here and here.) I felt justified in writing about her death and my bereavement here, because my mother wasn’t around to upset or offend, and because her troubles were over.

Right now there are three people I am close to, people I love, who have potentially life threatening health problems. It is they who have the problems. I am someone on the sidelines, someone anxious and concerned for them, eager to support them, and at the same time anxious for me because I don’t want to lose them. But I can’t write about any of that on here.

Meanwhile, there is an ebook of PLOTTING FOR BEGINNERS to be prepared for publication, and a paperback and ebook of PLOTTING FOR GROWN-UPS which need to be sent to press. The paperback will be delayed because of lack of time and emotional energy to attend to everything entailed in its launch, but the ebook will be out before too long.

Life is hectic (next week the Californian family are coming to stay – yay!) ……and life is also full of stresses, so if you don’t hear from me for days at a time, I know you’ll understand.I’ll be back.



Anonymous said...

We'll be here, wishing you (and your loved ones) the very best.

Those boats are the most cheerful thing I've seen in a while - hope the holiday set you up a little.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the Plotting for Grown-Ups ebook, please keep us updated.

I too wish your loved ones the best.

Shafia x

Sue Hepworth said...

Hi Shafia, it's nice to hear from you. Of course I'll tell you when the book is out. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. All my favourite characters are in it - Richard, Pippa, Wendy and Sam and a couple of others you may remember as well.