The West Coast Hepworths have been with us for a week, and Lux still shows no signs of moving to the UK time zone, although she’s not on a Californian one.
This was yesterday’s sleeping/waking schedule:
Midnight – 1 a.m. EVERYONE ASLEEP
1 a.m. LUX wakes up ready to play, so WENDY gets up to look after her.
1 a.m. – 5 a.m. LUX AND WENDY play
5 a.m. DAVE wakes up. LUX, WENDY and DAVE hang out.
6 a.m. SUE wakes up. WENDY goes to bed to sleep.
6 a.m. - 8 a.m. SUE and LUX play.
8 a.m. LUX goes to bed. ISAAC and CECE wake up.
8 a.m. – 11 a.m. an ADULT plays with CECE.
11 a.m. CECE goes to bed or falls asleep.
11 a.m. – Noon. Free time for all adults who are not asleep.
Noon. CECE wakes up. SOMEONE plays with her.
12.30 p.m. WENDY wakes up.
1 p.m. ISAAC takes a nap.
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. WENDY, SUE, DAVE and CECE hang out/play. ISAAC may or may not wake up and join in.
3.30 p.m.(ish) LUX wakes up. EVERYONE IS AWAKE! Yesterday we walked down the Monsal Trail to Hassop Station Cafe.
3.30 p.m. - 8 p.m. EVERYONE awake in various moods – somnolent, energetic/too tired to walk and needing to be carried, crabby, hungry, happy, desperate, loving, snippy, tipsy, etc. etc.
8 p.m. CECE goes to bed.
9 p.m. LUX and DAVE go to bed.
10 p.m. ISAAC, WENDY AND SUE go to bed.
10 p.m. – Midnight. EVERYONE IS ASLEEP, though CECE sometimes bucks the trend.
Eating is another matter and will not be dealt with here.
Photos, top left and top right: SNAP!
Do you mean Lux and me??
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