Wednesday, August 21, 2013


OK, I am over my strop.

After my aggravation and outburst yesterday, I did a smidge of work and then bunked off with Dave down the Monsal Trail to Hassop Station Cafe, where we sat outside on the terrace and drank coffee and chatted in the warm sunshine. When I am 75 I shall walk down the Trail and have breakfast there. Then I’ll walk home and mess about. Then go down for lunch, walk home and mess about some more, and then cycle down for tea. Who needs to be a writer? Who needs to be a publisher?

An old friend came for the afternoon and we caught up on news of our respective families, and then at teatime I cycled up the Trail to my favourite thinking spot.

I climb over the fence and sit amongst the wild flowers and look at the view of wooded hills, limestone cliffs and the river below, and I listen to the silence. Then I feel whole.

A similar view from the Trail but not one with wild flowers…

may 2011 monsal trail 022


Anonymous said...

I wonder if your messing about is anything like my pottering about? It sounds nice though...


Sue Hepworth said...

Yes, probably it is. But I don't have time to potter at the moment. One day I will. I wonder if I'll like it when it happens...

Anonymous said...

My pottering isn't anything to do with the garden but just me gathering all those small chores together under one heading. It sounds leisurely just as your messing about does too! A nice word for diddly, annoying stuff...

Sue Hepworth said...

Ah well, when I said messing about, I was thinking of totally non productive stuff like playing the sax, playing a word game online with various friends and relations, flicking through the Sarah Raven gardening catalogue, talking on the phone, playing table tennis. All of this done without feeling guilty for "wasting time."

Anonymous said...

Oops, not sure where diddly came from! Stupid spelling thingy...

Funny thing is I had am image of you and Dave 'messing about' playing cricket in the hall or some such funny thing. I liked the thought of that!

Sue Hepworth said...

hmm...well...we play crokinole and table tennis and Scrabble...