These posts this week are reading wrong. It sounds as if my pleasure on a Monday is the washing line, and on a Tuesday it’s the pictures in the kitchen. The things I’m listing this week make me happy every day.
I’ve chosen Dave’s oatcakes today. He makes them twice a week and I have them for breakfast with my home-made lemon curd or blackcurrant jam.
They’re made with medium oatmeal and they’re like nothing I have ever eaten before – soft, with a hint of sweetness, and with a gritty, crumbly texture. That makes them sound disgusting but they are utterly wonderful, and mega-yummy with cheese. Medium oatmeal is hard to source in Bakewell, so Dave has it shipped in from Scotland in sacks. Yes. Really.
Ooh, almost forgot. I was on BBC Radio Derby yesterday on the Sally Pepper show. Sally is smart, sassy, sensitive and brilliant at her job. Jane and I love her to bits and are very keen for her to play Wendy in the film version of Plotting for Grown-ups.
I was on the show because my BUT I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR THAT I LOVED YOU has been listed as one of the National Autistic Society’s favourite books about autism.
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