Monday, April 06, 2015

being here now

I could start by asking why the tourist from London thought I’d like to find his visa receipt for The Nature Kitchen, and the wrapper from his Oats So Simple bar at my favourite thinking place on the Monsal Trail.

But I won’t.

What I really want to say is that on a warm, sunny Easter weekend when the daffodils are out, there is nowhere I would rather be than here at home.


I’m having an idyllic weekend and I hope you are too. It began on Friday when the family member who declines to be named came to see us, and for the first time in ten years he let me take his photograph. It made my Easter. I’m sorry I can’t show you the photo. You’ll have to make do with an Easter photo of Lux.


And a really interesting shot of Cece in Palm Springs:


I started the day with a one and a half hour messaging chat with the Aging Hippie who is on holiday at the coast and had wifi for the morning. Her Peace Corps outpost is deeply rural with no wifi, so we usually have to make do with inadequate and unsatisfying Skyped conversations - me on my laptop and she on her mobile phone – during which we have to shout, and the conversation is stilted because of the time lapse.

Then I went for a bike ride on the Monsal Trail, where I was greeted by two magpies. I am not superstitious at all except for a lingering shame-faced unease about magpies (one for sorrow, two for joy). How do I shake this?

Now I am going to continue de-cluttering, which is really fun!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why relinquish, when there's always a chance of that second magpie!

Happy Easter to you too, Sue.

And continued thanks for sharing snippets of your life.

Every one of your grandchildren is a joy to watch growing up.