Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Don't delay joy

Another way is to spend time with children. 

Lux has kindly mapped out two weeks of pleasure for me.

That's me, arriving with my suitcase on the 9th. The next day we go swimming. On the 11th we play at home. And yay! On Saturday 12th we're going to drive up into the foothills of the Rockies for a ride on the Carousel of Happiness.

I will try to post when I'm away.


marmee said...

blissy visit for you...have so appreciated all your input lately

Sue Hepworth said...

That's nice.
Thank you on both counts, Marmee.

Unknown said...

Technically, the 11th is downtown day and the 16th is a home day :) We can't wait to see you.