Saturday, October 14, 2017

Living off the fat of the land

It's been my birthday week and I have spent most of it in Wensleydale with my brothers and sisters. This is four of us. 

I don't know what else to say. It's funny how a week away from the blog strikes me dumb. We had fab weather and fab walks and lots of chat and it was lovely.

This is where we stayed, in an old mill:

And here are some other snaps we took this week.
This is Walden Beck:

Walden Beck higher up, at West Burton falls:

Cogden Beck, site of many a family picnic (more fun when the kids are there):

Aysgarth Middle Falls:

And here's one I took in another October:


Anonymous said...

Delighted that you have had a wonderful week, when you go quiet there is always the nagging thought that all may not be well - so its good to be proved wrong.

Doubly delighted for you that you celebrated your birthday in a memorable way and with good company.

Happy Birthday. Lovely pictures.


Sue Hepworth said...

I'm touched you worry about me when I'm silent.
and thank you for the birthday wishes.