Saturday, May 26, 2018


Mary died three years ago and I am used to the gap. Most of the time I get by but there are some times when I miss her so much it hurts. This morning at 4 a.m. was one of them. I needed to talk to someone and she was the only person who would do. Even the blackbird didn't cheer me up. general I'm very happy. Hasn't this May (my favourite month) been fabulous? 

Here's a picture of our lane this morning:

And the hawthorn blossom is something else. I have never seen it so abundant as I have this spring. When I saw Hockney's paintings of hawthorn in his 2012 exhibition A Bigger Picture I thought they were overblown and faintly ridiculous. 

But this morning on the Trail I changed my mind and I took these photographs:

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