Tuesday, June 25, 2019

PR machine

I haven't mentioned my new book EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW YOU lately, which is probably bad news in marketing terms. But then the PR machine consists of just one woman who seems to prefer riding her bike up the Monsal Trail to doing almost anything else. 

It's raining today so I'm delighted to tell you that EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW YOU is available worldwide on Amazon as an ebook and as a paperback.
You can get it here in the UK   and here in the USA
but wherever you live you can buy it on Amazon, or get your library to order it from them.

You can even buy it at Hassop Station on the Monsal Trail, which is where the novel is set. 

In case you need encouragement, here are all the reviews on Amazon to date -   

It would be really helpful and encourage sales if you would post a review online on Amazon and/or Goodreads, once you have read the book. Reviews really do make a difference. And the more there are, the better it is.

Thank you, dear readers. 

And here is a view of the Monsal Trail you've never seen before - can you see it amongst the trees below the cliff?

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