Saturday, June 26, 2021

Mixed bag

N.B. Blogger is behaving really oddly this morning and I cannot configure my header. I hope things will be resolved soon.

I've realised this morning that it's not just the continuing pandemic and its restrictions which get me down, it's also reading the daily news about the shambles of our shoddy and shabby 'government.' These two combined create in me an underlying low-level depression which I have to put energy into dealing with, by ignoring things I can do nothing about, and focussing on something else with everything I've got.

I did have a wonderful day on Wednesday, seeing two old friends for lunch (inside) and extended chat in the garden all afternoon. Having felt socially starved before I went, i came back sated, as if from a good, tasty, nourishing meal.

It's hard to keep it up, though. So this morning I got out Keep Moving by Maggie Smith and read a few pages, and I'd like to share them with you.

Trust that everything will be okay, but that doesn't mean that everything will be restored. Start making yourself at home in your life as it is. Look around and ahead. Keep moving.


All you need to do today is live the best you can. Even if in this difficult time your best doesn't feel like enough, it is enough. And trust that your best tomorrow will be even better than today's: that is healing. Keep moving.


Stop rewinding and replaying the past in your mind. Live here now. Give the present the gift of your full attention. Keep moving.

I like that sentence - Give the present the gift of your full attention.

This is a painting I finished yesterday. It's called 'Break in the clouds.'

Wishing you all a break in your clouds.


marmee said...

thanks sue! I am in a place /situation where once again I must learn ( why can't I keep ahold of the knowledge!) that indeed life re shapes itself , is restored but not as before. There is pain but somehow too it breaks your heart open to feel and receive love more intensely, more honestly

Anita said...

Love the painting!

Sue Hepworth said...

Hello Marmee, I am glad you liked the quotes.

Hi Anita - thank you! Glad you like the painting.