Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Crossing off STUFF

I've told you how every morning Dave asks me what are my plans for the day, haven't I?

Yesterday when he asked me I said: 'I have some stuff to do and then I'm going out on my bike.'

Dave: 'What stuff?'

Me: 'I don't want to say.' and only when I explained it to him, did I realise why. 'It's boring domestic stuff and I'm trying to keep it under the radar, not think about it, try and slip it into my schedule without my noticing it and feeling fed up.'

It's possible this only works for me, and that it's because it takes me so long to wake up in the morning. Yesterday we were waiting for the satnav to boot up

and it twigged that the blank screen, where even the menu doesn't work, is just like me first thing in the morning.

There is, of course, another way of dealing with tedious but necessary tasks: you can make a list and have the satisfaction of crossing the items off when done. 

My new method of slipping things in under the radar is good for things like changing the sheets and cleaning out the fridge, but not so good when trying to activate my new BT account which I'd put off for too long and then getting snarled up in BT's overtight security measures and having to talk to a charming BT person who cannot fix the problem even after 50 minutes of trying, with me on the other end of the line. Aaarghhh! 

I don't want to be dealing with the glut of plums, either:

That's just the first batch of our harvest (from our only tree.)  Last year we had no plums at all. This year the branches are so laden they are breaking off.

I am getting so possessive of my time and energy. All I want to do is paint, 

or be outside in this current spell of sunshine, cycling, walking, reading or playing table tennis... 

...or looking at this beautiful book that my dear, thoughtful and generous friend Het sent me in the post

because she knew I was sad to miss the London exhibition.

'Living tomorrow is too late: live today'


Video link address: https://youtu.be/g9hh7OMCob0 

1 comment:

Susan D said...

"...all I want to do is paint..." :^)