What can I tell you? That I woke up from a lovely dream this week in which Alec Baldwin was feeding me the most delicious warm chocolate pudding? I know why I dreamed about him. It was because the night before I’d been dithering over whether to watch It’s Complicated for the third time. It’s not a top notch film but he and Meryl Streep are so entertaining in it.
Telly is wonderful. It amuses you when you have the most boring job in the world to complete, such as topping and tailing gooseberries.
And again when you’re waiting for the jam to reach setting point.
Dave wasn’t there to amuse me as he normally is during jam making as he’s in the middle of a big carpentry project. The wood is cluttering up our bay window because his shed is so full of things he can’t bear to throw away. Hey ho.
It’s been an up and down week due to a/ family stuff, and b/ how my current painting has been progressing. And the week's up-and-downness does not even take into account our "government" and the further disastrous lurch to the right of the USA Supreme Court. You know the story.
But let's focus on Hepworth Towers for now.
On Monday night I was so excited about my painting I couldn’t wait to wake up in the morning to continue work on it.
On Wednesday night I thought it was so dreadful and so difficult that I was considering stopping work and starting all over again.
Here’s one of those Spot the Difference puzzles for you…it's in order of progression through the week...
It’s almost done now - at least to my satisfaction. I’ve the title to write on the white book’s spine and one or two other details to add, and then I’m calling it a day. It’s not perfect, but I am quite pleased with it. And Dave says it’s one of his favourites, which is nice.
This is me last Saturday at the exhibition preview in the Buxton Museum and Art Gallery also feeling pretty pleased with myself, because my March Wind painting was on the wall amongst work by so many talented professional artists.
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Photo by Cath Dunn |
There’s another painting there that’s destined for a wider audience just like March Wind was. Thanks so much for sharing your artwork with us. I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy seeing them Ana
Thank you, Ana. You are always encouragement personified,
I should have written on the blog that I took the photo of my bedside table that inspired this a few days after Mary died. I don’t usually have flowers on my bedside table but I bought these to cheer myself up. The fact that I didn’t mention any of this on the blog shows how my blogging powers are diminishing and the reason I keep wanting to give it up.
Hello Sue would like to contact you I’ve been trying but lost your number this is Maureen of Maureen and Tony.
Hi Maureen!
email me hugsDOThepworthATgmailDOTcom
how wonderful to hear from you!
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