Oh gosh, I know it’s some time since I’ve blogged, and I’m sorry.
Because it was sunny and warm last week I spent a lot of time outside on my bike and in the garden and walking along the lane and back taking pictures of the cow parsley. It’s as tall as me on both sides of the lane now and I found out yesterday that some people in the village call it Fairy Lane.
This week things are busy. Dave and I are getting ready for the exhibition at the weekend. There’s been a lot of clearing and cleaning going on, the rearranging of furniture, the taking of things upstairs out of the way, deciding which pictures to exhibit and where. I have 32 that I’m going to show. Around half are for sale.
I was chatting to my artist brother on Facetime and showing and discussing what I was going to exhibit, and every time I said "I'm not selling that, I love it too much," he laughed and said I should get over it. But I'm not trying to make a living here: I'm just trying to cover my painting and framing costs and raise some money for refugees (plus maybe a treat: I'd like to own a cashmere hoodie before I die.)
Also I've been tidying up the garden, which has meant getting rid of the most visible weeds. I even swept the patio, because it promises to be sunny and I think people might take coffee and cake out there.
I love the house when it’s clean and tidy, but it takes so much time to get it like that! Imagine how little painting I would get done if I was cleaning every day. I have to make cakes for the weekend, which I do enjoy. I like licking out the bowl at the end.
Before I sign off I need to say that Dave’s been fantastic. I couldn’t do any of this without him.
What an excitement! Thinking and thinking of you with happiness and such pride!
What a lovely thing to say, Marmee. 😊
Good luck with the exhibition on Saturday!
Shafia x
Thank you, Shafia. That's very kind. I hope to pout some photos on the blog relating to it.
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