I posted most of this yesterday and then took it down because I thought it mean. I’ll tell you why at the end.
This is the view as I flew from Colorado to California.
I have been in Redwood City, California, for a few days, staying with the Aging Hippie. I first met the AH at a peace vigil in San Francisco in 2006. The last time I came to stay at her house was 12 years ago: I had to check the blog to find out when it was.
Here we were then, cycling along the San Andreas fault: a passer-by took our picture.
And the last time I saw her was 2019 when we went on a trip to Northumberland and Mull.
Today we went to the beach and it was fab.
Doesn’t it look just like the beach scenes in Grace and Frankie?
The Pacific Ocean felt warmer than the Atlantic in Pembrokeshire in July but the waves were too scary to brave in a cossie, so I paddled instead.
Later, I was taking a quick snap of Karen on a bridge when a cyclist stopped and asked if we wanted a photo of the two of us together.
He was old, and he was kitted out as if in England on a January day and he was wearing reflective sunglasses, and he just had the look of someone who would take ages to climb off his bike and prop it up and get himself sorted out, and fuss, and make a big production of it all, do you know what I mean? So I was reluctant, and looked over at Karen, but she gave me the nod. I think she thought we may as well say yes and get it over with.
So I handed over my phone and went to stand next to Karen who I’d positioned exactly where I wanted her to obscure something behind her on the far cliffs, and he said “I’d like to get you with the sun on your faces,” and I thought ‘here we go’ and said “No, I want the ocean behind us and this is the place I want. Take it here.”
He said “The screen is dark,” and I pointed out he was wearing sunglasses.
He said “I need to compose it.”
“Just click it already,” said Karen, so he did.
I quickly thanked him and took the phone and we walked away.
“Do you think I was too brusque with him?” I asked Karen.
“No,” she said, “he needed reining in.”
Later I looked at his shots. He had taken three, and two had my head cut off. Was that revenge?
This is the one that was OK.
Well he took a good photo of you both at least looking friendly! And probably gave him a chuckle to think about later.
That’s kind. 😊
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