Tuesday, January 28, 2025


I have just seen the newspaper headlines about the important ceremonies remembering the victims of the Holocaust, and wondered if the Israeli far right see any comparisons with the genocide in Gaza.

Do you read the news headlines and despair at the state of the world?

If yes, what happens next? Do you snuggle back into your life while trying to blank out the bleakness and the threat? Or do you think “I should be doing something to help, something to make things better.”

Then what? Are you then distracted by immediate everyday demands and forget your weltschmertz?

Do you have a purpose in life? Or do you just get on with the day to day and don’t worry about stuff like that?

On Sunday Wendy (my daughter in law) said - amongst other complimentary things about my painting - something about my painting being a way to cope with January, and bad weather, and what a good idea it was. (This was the gist of it, and apologies to Wendy if it’s not accurate.) And I heard myself say to her “My painting is my job.”

I used to say the same about my writing. 

I find it interesting that at the age of 75 ( 75! Me!) I frame my life like this.

Dave says I have serial obsessions. It used to be writing. Now it’s painting. He says “I wonder what will be next.”

Today’s question in my five year diary is  If you could have a conversation with someone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

I chose Mary, my Anam Cara. She died ten years ago next month. I have some lovely and dear friends, but I still miss talking to Mary.


marmee said...

For me the purpose of my life now is to attempt to affect each person I have contact with in a good way. Sounds so sanctimonious but there you go. And remember here I grew up under a terrible oppressive regime. Much damage was done, a lot of work needed to redress the pain. Hugs to you sue as you miss your dear mary

Sue Hepworth said...

Thank you for the hug, Marmee.