Friday, December 02, 2011

Christmas competition 2011

OK. you guys and gals (I use the Jimmy Savile phrase because the last time I just said “guys” as a generic term for all of my readers whatever gender, my elder brother thought I just meant men) phew, OK, it’s time for the

 Sue Hepworth Blog Christmas Competition,

so hold onto your hats and don’t fall off your chairs with enthusiasm.

The prize is whichever of my books you would like – personally signed, by moi, (another media reference – this time to one of my heroines – Miss Piggy. Oh I am feeling frivolous this morning.) I will post the book to anyone, anywhere you choose.

I took the photo below as research for a scene in one of my novels. (Yes, just occasionally, they  contain something that hasn’t happened in my own life…although…) Anyway, you have to tell me where the picture was taken – what is the environment.

Please note, dear siblings, that you are not allowed to enter this competition.

Everyone else, please write your answers in the comments section below by 8 a.m. GMT December 16th.

Dec06 012


Chris said...

In a cow byre - probably in North Yorkshire but it could be in Lincolnshire or even Derbyshire. Not a massive herd of dairy cows.

Sue Hepworth said...

Wow! Already! this is too quick! Well done. I shall have to think of another puzzle now.
It is a milking parlour, and it was in North Yorkshire.
So which book would you like, and where shall I send it, or would you rather I made a donation to charity - I'm not proud.You can email me on infoATdelicatelynuancedDOTcom if you don't want to share your details with the world.

ridmer said...

Wensleydale milking parlour?

Sue Hepworth said...

Precisely: a Wensleydale milking parlour. Your answer is so exact I feel I should offer you a prize, even though someone called "Chris" had already guessed.
Would you like a prize?