Saturday, June 08, 2013

I love my lane

OK. I’m back. I would have been here half an hour ago, but I saw that BBC Radio Derby’s Aleena Naylor tweeted this about me last night…


…and I thought – “Ooh, I wonder if I am an intelligent writer…and what was that bit I wrote about our lane in May in BUT I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR THAT I LOVED YOU? Could I filch it to put on my blog?” and I picked up a copy and started reading. Yes, I know it’s not May, but you and I know full well that everything is late this year, and it’s behaving like May with the May blossom and the cow parsley now fully out along our lane, sending me into ecstasies when we arrived home from Yorkshire last night.

It was behaving like May in Yorkshire too, and beautiful, but there is something so lush and extravagant and so so amazing about this little spot in May, that makes coming home such a sensation-exploding experience. (Words have failed me Maybe I am not such an intelligent writer.)

So anyway, before I show you some photographs of the canal, here is the view over our back wall last night.


Sadly, the angle of the sun was not right last night for taking photographs of the cow parsley on the lane, except for this plant, just inside our front gate.

cow parsley

see below?

cow parsley on our lane

and I have just been along the lane in my pyjamas but the sun is doing the hokey-cokey this morning, so here is one from another year…

may07 030

Although this one from this morning isn’t bad…


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