Friday, September 27, 2019

Prescription for the mean reds

I had a night out last night watching a live screening of One Man, Two Guvnors, a hilarious farce starring James Corden. No news, no politics, a real night off.

And this morning I dismissed the forecast of rain and rode to the end of the Trail and back. Pure heaven. I recommend getting out into nature for a couple of hours if you've got the mean reds.

Right now it's the rosebay willow herb that's looking stupendous. I think I should have made more fuss about how beautiful it can be in the book (EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW YOU) but then Jane was in Colorado in September so she missed it. This is an excerpt from August:

A light breeze ruffled the rosebay willow herb and it brushed her cheek. She pushed it away. Dante and Amy had lived with her and Alex until Dante was school age and they had moved away, and Dante, at the age of four, went through a phase of collecting sticks and taking them on walks to whack at rough vegetation.  One September she’d forgotten her stick and had picked up a dried-up stalk of rosebay willow herb and swiped at Jane’s face with it, and Jane had said ‘Dante! Don’t be so aggressive.’ The next time they’d gone out for a walk, Dante rushed to a clump of the flower and said ‘I want a gressive!’ It had become part of the family lexicon – a term only Jane and Alex used and only between themselves... 

Here are some pictures from this morning:

p.s. If you've read any of my books and have not reviewed them online, please will you consider doing so on Amazon and/or Goodreads? Two lines and a rating is all that's necessary and you don't need a PhD in English Literature to do that.

Why am I asking?
Because it boosts sales.


Anonymous said...

I am ashamed to admit that I have never watched Breakfast at Tiffanys - something I intend to remedy in the very near future! Here is another lovely reminder of the positive effects of the great outdoors:


Sue Hepworth said...

Thank you, jenetta.
I have posted it on today's blog. It IS today's blog.