Thursday, December 03, 2020

Christmas Quiz

I've had Christmas quizzes on the blog in previous Decembers but this year my brain is fried. Hmm...wonder why.

The upshot of this is that there is only one question to the Christmas quiz this year.

Please watch this video of Victoria Wood's parody of Brief Encounter and tell me at which point I laugh out loud - every single time I watch it.

The prize is a signed copy of one of the following:

Plotting for Grown-ups

But I Told You Last Year That I Loved You

Even When They Know You

The 'quiz' is open to anyone living in the UK, excluding Chrissie Poulson (because we discussed this over zoom margaritas on Tuesday) and my friend GT who lives in Hope, because I'm not sure if I mentioned this to her last time I saw her....sorry, GT.

Please email the answer to my Hugs card address: 


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