Saturday, February 22, 2020

Letter from home

First of all, before I forget, I want to ask you something. What's your forename? I have a new book coming out this year (whoop! whoop!) and I am going to dedicate it to regular readers of my blog. 

A lot of people remain anonymous and that's fine. Those whose names I do know are here - in alphabetical order:

Chris G
Chris O
Chris S
the family member who declines to be named

If I have missed you out, I'm sorry. Please tell me who you are.

Now onto business: 

Letter from home

The Aging Hippie in California asked me this week if we were affected by the floods. The answer is a thankful no. The only damage to Hepworth Towers is a leak in the bay window roof, and rain being flung at the bay window so hard by the gale that it found its way through the seals round the double glazing. As our dear old builder friend used to say - The rain has very thin shoulders.

I've had a good week. Two days were spent with the fabulous teenage grandsons. And on Thursday evening I was honoured to be invited to the pub quiz night at the regular of the family-member-who-declines-to-be-named and his wife, the lovely Jaine. I love pub quizzes, despite never knowing any of the answers, focussing as they do on sport, popular telly programmes, celebrities and general knowledge.

This pub quiz was rather different. It had questions on current affairs, questions with anagrams, one about Roman numbers, other recherche stuff, and five about fictional policemen - three of which I knew. And despite our team being seven strong, I knew stuff that the others didn't. Yay! I'll have to wangle another invitation: that pub quiz was not only fun, it was good for my self esteem. And we won.

The trouble with being my age is that two glasses of wine and a late night means I am wasted all the next day. Another problem is wrestling to grasp new words and phrases. This week I had to look up what 'queer' means these days; and I found myself explaining to my older brother what 'woke' means and then looking it up and finding I hadn't got it quite right.

I don't care: I can still cycle ten miles and feel better for it, which is what I just did. And I heard my first thrush of the spring. 

It has not been photogenic weather here, so this is one from last February:

Have a happy weekend. 
And tell me your name! You can sign on as 'Anonymous' and tell me in the text.


Anonymous said...

Hi. My name is Anita and I love reading your blog.

Sally said...

You have a new book coming out this year! I didn't know that - Yay!😊
Lovely uplifting blog! Sally

Sue Hepworth said...

Hi Anita. Thank you for saying hello. I've added you to the list - see above.

Sue Hepworth said...

Hi Sally - yes, I will tell you about the new book before too long.

Anonymous said...

OOOoooh New book. And I love your artwork in the previous post. Jenetta

Sue Hepworth said...

Thank you, Jenetta.xx

Unknown said...

Hello Sue! I have been reading your blog for quite a few years and am still reading it, although I do tend to keep a low profile . . we also met one day a few years ago in Thyme in Broomhill.

Sue Hepworth said...

Hello stranger!
Is it Marilyn?

Marilyn said...

Hi Sue, I'm so sorry - I feel awful now because I didn't realise that my comment would pop up as having been written by 'unknown'! Yes, it is Marilyn. I'm also sorry that I commented and then didn't return to see if there was any response. Until now.

Sue Hepworth said...

That’s fine! I thought you were maintaining an air of mystery!