Ever since my new book arrived in Boulder...
the girls have been asking 'Sue, are you famous?' and I've been saying 'No,' and they've been saying 'Why aren't you famous? You write books. J.K.Rowling writes books and she's famous, why aren't you?'
Ah me. How to explain.
Yesterday on Facetime they told me they'd asked Alexa 'Who is Sue Hepworth?' and Alexa knew. They showed me by asking again when I was within earshot of their Alexa.
Alexa said: 'Sue Hepworth is an author of at least five books. Her most popular books are Plotting for Beginners, But I Told You Last Year That I Loved You, and Even When They Know You.'
'So you ARE famous!' they said.
I don't care about being famous, I really don't. I just want people to read my books.
And unfortunately I'm finding that it was easier to sell my novels than it is to sell DAYS ARE WHERE WE LIVE, and yet I actually think it's one of the best.
I don't think it's selling yet because it falls in the category of memoir, and no-one buys memoir unless they have heard of the author, or unless it's been recommended by a friend, or by a mainstream media review.
You know what I'm going to ask you, now, don't you?
I know a lot of you have bought DAYS ARE WHERE WE LIVE, and I recognise a couple of the names on the Amazon reviews as blog readers' names. And one or two friends have told me they are reading the book slowly because they don't want to finish it: they are enjoying it so much. Also, it is a book that lends itself to being read a few pages at a time.
I always ask you to review my books on Amazon and/or Goodreads, and I'd like to say thank you again to those of you who do.
Please will you review DAYS ARE WHERE WE LIVE as well, as soon as possible?
and perhaps you'd be good enough to mention it on Facebook, or Twitter? And tell your friends?
The latest review on Amazon says 'Just the thing for Lockdown reading.' That's what I hoped when I rushed it out.