Monday, December 16, 2013

The Marie Celeste Christmas tree

My half-dressed tree has nothing to do with our ON-OFF Christmas


and everything to do with me rushing off to hospital in the middle of decorating it.

A word of advice….

Don’t keep your post operative eye drops on the same shelf as your contact lens cleaner. Otherwise you might go upstairs to put your eye drop in and grab the cleaning solution by mistake and squirt that in your eye.

This will necessitate a trip to the local emergency eye clinic so that the sweet young doctor (oh how ancient I am) can clip your eye open so you look like an anatomical dummy (thanks, Dave) and hose down your eye with two litres of saline solution, and THEN do unspeakable things to your eye with a cotton bud. That last manoeuvre alone is enough to teach me a lesson.

The good news is that we only live half an hour away from the wonderful Royal Hallamshire Hospital and the other good news is that the sweet young doctor said it wouldn’t have harmed my new lens. It was my cornea that needed attention.  But the Ph was back to normal when I left and they don’t want to see me again, and I don’t blame them.

They do want me to keep my bottles on separate shelves.


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